jeremyfuksa: Tighty Whitey Man.
jeremyfuksa: Bubs and his iPod
jeremyfuksa: Seriously… Who hasn't made out with a hand puppet in a photo booth before?
jeremyfuksa: Noms.
jeremyfuksa: Did I do this right?
jeremyfuksa: Well. Hello, miss Molly.
jeremyfuksa: Body, Butt, Poop. For Daddy. Pencil on Ninja Turtle Notebook, 2014. Definitely my kid.
jeremyfuksa: 'Sup.
jeremyfuksa: Nathan had to make a glyph of himself to bring to the first day of kindergarten. I like that he sees himself as a pissed off Muppet coming off an all-night bender.
jeremyfuksa: Real typographers do it by hand. A true dying art. Lettering by Daniel Brewer Hand Lettering and Murals.
jeremyfuksa: Sure, it's annoying when you go to work and you have no Internet access at a place that MAKES INTERNETS, but at least it creates the opportunity for this.
jeremyfuksa: _DSC2976.jpg
jeremyfuksa: The new view from @undergroundjoy's library, home of @misfitrad_io studios.
jeremyfuksa: Paul Reubens.
jeremyfuksa: As I slipped on Google Glass, my Klout score rocketed up 40 points, I gained sudden complete knowledge of Romulan battle formations and my penis shrunk 3 inches. But, I was able to give it a command that it completely screwed up. So, yeah. The future.
jeremyfuksa: Happy first birthday, Mr. Brumbelow.
jeremyfuksa: The new Not Ready For Prime-Time Players.
jeremyfuksa: Ice glazed morning.
jeremyfuksa: My New Year's view.
jeremyfuksa: Nathan's newfound appreciation of dolphins only had one logical progression: Flipper reruns on Netflix.