3n: Kelp forrest
3n: you sir, are ugly.
3n: Fish and shark cross paths gently
3n: Cool lookin' fish
3n: Kelp forrest
3n: in awe
3n: they had the perfect lighting on these things
3n: yummy
3n: prawns (pre-me-eating-them-with-butter)
3n: pretty
3n: grosse
3n: I love bat-rays
3n: cool texture
3n: Hey dude.
3n: Fish takes a sharp right
3n: This sea otter zipped past me
3n: cool jelly
3n: Everyone in awe
3n: Jellies
3n: Jelly
3n: More Jelly
3n: The big tank
3n: Turtle + reflection
3n: What appears to be a fake shark
3n: Ray or sorts
3n: Cute lil' penguins
3n: Kelp Forrest