BoringPostcards: Boring Postcards
BoringPostcards: red beans
BoringPostcards: Lindbergh station
BoringPostcards: Arnold & Guinness
BoringPostcards: Dali vs. bloody mary
BoringPostcards: All the MeCha Ladies
BoringPostcards: table face
BoringPostcards: red light in a green world
BoringPostcards: andy warhol looks a scream / hang him on my wall
BoringPostcards: alien alphabet
BoringPostcards: you will soon bring joy
BoringPostcards: goldtree
BoringPostcards: white corner
BoringPostcards: mothership
BoringPostcards: no rest for the wicked
BoringPostcards: taking a cellphone pic of Ian taking a cellphone pic
BoringPostcards: Arn in the mirror
BoringPostcards: plastic smile