CANTIQ UNIQUE: Senduduk or senggani (Melastoma affine), Family Melastomataceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Orang-aring (Eclipta alba), Family Asteraceae (Compositae)
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Tapak dara air/water Vinca rosea (Ludwigia ascendens), Family Onagraceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Beluntas (Pluchea indica), Family Compositae or Asteraceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Sirsak (Annona muricata), Family Annonaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Ki Tolod (Hippobroma longiflora or Laurentia longiflora atau Isotoma longiflora), Family Campanulaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Pegagan/pennywort (Centella asiatica (L) Urban, Family Umbelliferae or Apiaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: rumput merdeka/randa lenguk/serunai (Eupatorium odoratum synonim Chromolaema odorata), Family Asteraceae or Compositae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Putri malu (Mimosa pudica), Family Mimosaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Jelatang (Fleurya interrupta), Urticaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Kumis kucing (Orthosiphon stamineus), Family Lamiaceae or Labiatae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: `kunci pepet` (Kaempferia rotunda) Flower
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Flower of Gambir (Uncaria gambier), Rubiaceae family
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Temu lawak Flower (Curcuma xanthorrizha), Zingiberaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Getih-getihan (Rivina humilis), Phytolaccaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Senggugu/sirgunggu/ srigunggu (Rotheca serrata), Verbenaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Cabe jawa/Javanese piper (Piper retrofractum), Piperaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Anting-anting/cakar kucing (Acalypha australis), Family Euphorbiaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata), Family Achantaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Burahol (Stelechocarpus burahol), Family Annonaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Porana volubilis?, Family Convolvulaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Leng-lengan/paci-paci (Leucas lavandulifolia), Family Lamiaceae or Labiatae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Tootbrush plant/mortar tree {Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz) A. DC}, Family Rutaceae. This plant identified by Tony Rodd
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Tusuk konde/kokondean (Heliotropium indicum), Family Boraginaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Scoparia dulcis, Family Scrophulariaceae
CANTIQ UNIQUE: Tujuh duri/seven thorns/Rose of Medan (Pereskia sacharosa/P. saecnarosa)
CANTIQ UNIQUE: bandotan/wedusan/goat weed (Ageratum conyzoides), Family Asteraceae