jerry polizzi: Happiness is a feeder full of goodies with bird friends willing to pose :)
jerry polizzi: Big Red enjoying the warmer weather.
jerry polizzi: Wildlife Prairie Park
jerry polizzi: I have to see BIG RED every time there is a zoo trip it the law Jerry's law.
jerry polizzi: What a Hair doo.
jerry polizzi: So cute :)
jerry polizzi: Glad someone cleans up after the finches pig out.
jerry polizzi: Looks mad that she has to wait for the feeder.
jerry polizzi: Cant a bird eat in peace, I will make a snow ball and hit that camera.
jerry polizzi: Poor little birds! At one point there were 30+ finches out there.
jerry polizzi: Cant wait for their color to come back.
jerry polizzi: Kestrel
jerry polizzi: Angry Birds
jerry polizzi: winter memory
jerry polizzi: You better chew that I dont know first aid for birds.
jerry polizzi: Little girl needs a drink.
jerry polizzi: Lunch Time
jerry polizzi: The feeder was on the ground again was it the storm or a squirl?
jerry polizzi: oops i have been spotted.
jerry polizzi: The ends must taste the best.
jerry polizzi: Indigo Bunting
jerry polizzi: Cant we all get along.
jerry polizzi: Were are you please come back I miss you :(
jerry polizzi: bad hair day?
jerry polizzi: My first Northern Flicker
jerry polizzi: There back and the hummer wars are on!
jerry polizzi: Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak