jerry polizzi: Is this diet straw?
jerry polizzi: It's all ducky!
jerry polizzi: Wood Duck (Yes I cheated they were at the zoo).
jerry polizzi: I am going to take a nap now and yes he did.
jerry polizzi: No more rain weekend at last.
jerry polizzi: Zoo Freeloader (No idea what it is eating)
jerry polizzi: Rainy day so here is one from the archive.
jerry polizzi: Color to start off the day.
jerry polizzi: The hairdresser knows the truth.
jerry polizzi: The happy couple!
jerry polizzi: All dressed up and nowhere to go.
jerry polizzi: Off to the zoo to play today.
jerry polizzi: My toy fell in the water and I am not happy.
jerry polizzi: Don't drop the baby!!!
jerry polizzi: Its friday at last.
jerry polizzi: Love that tail. (sorry dont know the ID on this one)
jerry polizzi: Black and Blue
jerry polizzi: Its friday happy weekend.
jerry polizzi: He looks happy. ID please.
jerry polizzi: Look at what I can do with my tail.
jerry polizzi: Its too hot I am going to sleep now.
jerry polizzi: Its still to hot come back and see me in a few weeks.
jerry polizzi: Blues at Brookfield zoo
jerry polizzi: Please wake up what do you seep all day or do you spot a camera and fake it.
jerry polizzi: Sure you have a fancy camera but can you do this.
jerry polizzi: IMG_6312.jpg
jerry polizzi: Thanks for all the fish! :)
jerry polizzi: Brookfield Zoo