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Nelson Bay Nov. 2016 by Mick 61
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Mick 61
Blindshark - Brachaelurus waddi
Mick 61
Blue Flatworm - Cycloporus venetus
Mick 61
Dwarf Ornate Wobbegong - Orectolobus ornatus
Mick 61
Gold-Spotted Chromodorid - Goniobranchus aureopurpurea.
Mick 61
Gold-Spotted Chromodorid - Goniobranchus aureopurpurea
Mick 61
Just Nice
Mick 61
Pygmy Leatherjacket - Brachaluteres jacksonianus
Mick 61
Sea Pen.
Mick 61
Sea Pen
Mick 61
Short-Tailed Ceratosoma - Ceratosoma brevicaudatum
Mick 61
Southern Featherstar
Mick 61
Tube Anemone
Mick 61
Umbrella Shell - Umbraculum umbraculum
Mick 61
Weedy Leatherjacket - Chaetodermis penicilligera
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Blotched Hawkfish - Cirrhitichthys aprinus
Mick 61
Clavelina Meridionalis
Mick 61
Eastern Smooth Boxfish - Anoplocapros inermis
Mick 61
Getting the right shot
Mick 61
Gunter's Butterflyfish - Chaetodon guentheri
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Horned Blenny - Parablennius intermedius
Mick 61
Mosaic Leatherjacket - Eubalichthys mosaicus
Mick 61
Red-Gilled Nembrotha - Nembrotha purpureolineata.
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Lunch Time
Mick 61
Skeleton Shrimp - Caprellid sp.
Mick 61
Spotted Grubfish - Parapercis ramsayi.
Mick 61
Spotted Grubfish - Parapercis ramsayi
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Wendy and friend
Mick 61
Daphne's Chromodorid - Goniobranchus daphne
Mick 61
Numb Ray - Hypnos Monopterygium
Mick 61
Big-'Nose' Chromodoris (10mm)
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