Aquamarine11: goodies
Aquamarine11: T A and E
Aquamarine11: O H K and F and maple
Aquamarine11: those swedish shoes
Aquamarine11: El dia de los Muertos.altar, centerpiece
Aquamarine11: pizza and cake and pie
Aquamarine11: and ice cream
Aquamarine11: the key lime cake
Aquamarine11: candle blowing
Aquamarine11: one end of the table
Aquamarine11: the other end
Aquamarine11: and Maple of course
Aquamarine11: Eric, Peter and Dear Reader Bowl
Aquamarine11: Osk with Fi's fabulous picture
Aquamarine11: Oskar, by Fiona
Aquamarine11: Niklas, by Fiona
Aquamarine11: boys and M
Aquamarine11: new flowers!
Aquamarine11: new mugs!