Aquamarine11: arriving
Aquamarine11: one the swing
Aquamarine11: on a walk
Aquamarine11: to the faerie circle
Aquamarine11: the faerie circle
Aquamarine11: to the top
Aquamarine11: lots of daisies to pick
Aquamarine11: daisies for the table
Aquamarine11: resting
Aquamarine11: trekking
Aquamarine11: boating
Aquamarine11: 5 star restaurant set
Aquamarine11: Eric and boys
Aquamarine11: Eric, the chauffeur
Aquamarine11: the play Murder in the Mansion
Aquamarine11: pancakes every day!
Aquamarine11: Western tanagers
Aquamarine11: chocolate chip cookies
Aquamarine11: cookie baker Oskar
Aquamarine11: the best part
Aquamarine11: think tank for the treasure hunt
Aquamarine11: the swing is a hit
Aquamarine11: pizza dinner
Aquamarine11: dinner
Aquamarine11: the Oskar interviews
Aquamarine11: interviewing the star