Aquamarine11: 1st boatload
Aquamarine11: 2nd boatload
Aquamarine11: marking Fi's menu
Aquamarine11: game with uncle Eric
Aquamarine11: REAL turkey!
Aquamarine11: plus fake turkeys
Aquamarine11: Moose plate
Aquamarine11: 20161125Parker Island-82
Aquamarine11: 20161125Parker Island-83
Aquamarine11: Fi's menu and who wants which
Aquamarine11: Eric and sons
Aquamarine11: K and daughters
Aquamarine11: P, H and A
Aquamarine11: fi's game
Aquamarine11: T N and Maple in her spot
Aquamarine11: pumpkin and pecan
Aquamarine11: Nik and show
Aquamarine11: watching home video
Aquamarine11: turkey shirt
Aquamarine11: good morning Maple
Aquamarine11: O's tattoos
Aquamarine11: Fi's math drawing
Aquamarine11: a complicated "paint by number(sum)"
Aquamarine11: O's Faerie bank
Aquamarine11: 20161126Parker Island-91