Aquamarine11: 6:30 AM leaving Santa Ana Inlet
Aquamarine11: on the way to Ketchikan
Aquamarine11: entering Ketchikan
Aquamarine11: Ketchikan!
Aquamarine11: a latte!! at Little Memaid's
Aquamarine11: Totem by Fred Trout
Aquamarine11: wet bench
Aquamarine11: customs
Aquamarine11: on the way again
Aquamarine11: narrow channel to Foggy Bay
Aquamarine11: IMG_7390
Aquamarine11: down to 14 feet
Aquamarine11: foggy bay
Aquamarine11: the late whiskey crowd (using iceberg ice)
Aquamarine11: Day 11, more rain, up with the main
Aquamarine11: rather rough seas
Aquamarine11: grey grey and grey
Aquamarine11: our skipper
Aquamarine11: our cook in her tiny galley
Aquamarine11: OH OH!!
Aquamarine11: Lindsay the first diver
Aquamarine11: the fisherman appeared
Aquamarine11: Mike the 3rd diver
Aquamarine11: pulling up the net
Aquamarine11: backing away from the freed net
Aquamarine11: Prince Rupert (our hotel)
Aquamarine11: Prince Rupert for customs...
Aquamarine11: IMG_7455
Aquamarine11: Island Odessey leaving (from the hotel restaurant)