Aquamarine11: Boda-bodas and dresses
Aquamarine11: transports near Kampala
Aquamarine11: traffic around Kampala
Aquamarine11: waiting for the bus
Aquamarine11: coffee
Aquamarine11: at the gas station
Aquamarine11: Park Ranger
Aquamarine11: papyrus
Aquamarine11: Fisherman
Aquamarine11: Ferry across the River
Aquamarine11: pumping water
Aquamarine11: transport charcoal
Aquamarine11: woman with box
Aquamarine11: Uganda 2013-11-17 IMG_2241
Aquamarine11: off to church
Aquamarine11: in the shade
Aquamarine11: typical market
Aquamarine11: mobile shopping
Aquamarine11: grasshopper catcher
Aquamarine11: Grasshoppers drying
Aquamarine11: selling fried grasshoppers
Aquamarine11: a delicacy!!
Aquamarine11: colorful market
Aquamarine11: kids and dirt
Aquamarine11: transport
Aquamarine11: market. need shoes?
Aquamarine11: shopping
Aquamarine11: at the salt mines
Aquamarine11: hard dangerous to your health work