Aquamarine11: broom patrol at the labyrinth
Aquamarine11: playing n the studio
Aquamarine11: Parker's Faerie
Aquamarine11: Parker and kayak
Aquamarine11: Parker's Mom
Aquamarine11: kayaking
Aquamarine11: the tree climber
Aquamarine11: More to go to put the internet receiver up there
Aquamarine11: the tree climber guy way up with internet receiver....
Aquamarine11: Randi and grandson Parker
Aquamarine11: The dock with the Rose Point
Aquamarine11: what's with the blue shirt club?
Aquamarine11: the tree arborist's boat
Aquamarine11: dinner by Randi
Aquamarine11: ride in the neighbor's help
Aquamarine11: Oh fun!