trishoshea1: Mom's home cooking!
trishoshea1: I didn't like my Mom's Tuna Casserole!
trishoshea1: My Dad and I 1952.
trishoshea1: Yeah, my Dad wanted a son!
trishoshea1: My sister and I...1952!
trishoshea1: Ballet classes!
trishoshea1: Albequerque.
trishoshea1: Kindergarten graduation. 1957.
trishoshea1: Land of the Giants!
trishoshea1: My Dad and I
trishoshea1: Hula girls.
trishoshea1: Daddy and I in Wisconsin
trishoshea1: Hannibal Mo.
trishoshea1: May Crowning 1960
trishoshea1: Wisconsin Dells.
trishoshea1: My sister and I and THE BIG GUY!!!
trishoshea1: Land of the Giants part 2!
trishoshea1: Bathing beauties!
trishoshea1: MANY years ago!
trishoshea1: Easter?
trishoshea1: Maybe when I open my eyes, she'll be gone!!
trishoshea1: Father's Day Tribute
trishoshea1: Happy 60th, Mary Ellen!
trishoshea1: Happy 60th, Mary Ellen!
trishoshea1: A LONG time ago!
trishoshea1: HELLOOOOOO Momk!!!
trishoshea1: "No I still haven't found what I'm looking for."