cocoesperanza: Touched by Light
cocoesperanza: shadowlands and sunshine ~ indeterminate borderland ~ respect and sugar grey
cocoesperanza: Your INVITATION ...To a Gallery titled " Moments in Life ~ Inner Moments " [ taking a short flickr break .]
cocoesperanza: consequential seeing ... consequential living ... 2013
cocoesperanza: Empathy without borders ..... Medicins Sans Frontieres
cocoesperanza: " sorting through the prints "
cocoesperanza: The Narcissi Moon .... (1)
cocoesperanza: The Narcissi Moon .... the month when the narcissi flowers bring sweet perfume and beauty....
cocoesperanza: Monica and friends ....
cocoesperanza: " When there is hoarfrost underfoot, solid ice is not far off "
cocoesperanza: Marcelo Montecino ~ A Tribute to his Photography
cocoesperanza: International Women's Day......... ( b/fwd )
cocoesperanza: A Photographic Gallery ....
cocoesperanza: B/fwd ..Your Invitation to visit a New Gallery - " A Certain Presence "
cocoesperanza: A simple " Memories " collage ~ from way back when