Doc Oren: View from the B&B
Doc Oren: Old Roman Lady
Doc Oren: Couples At the Villa Borghese Gardens
Doc Oren: St Peter Basilica Interior
Doc Oren: Fontana di Trevi at night
Doc Oren: IMGP9989
Doc Oren: Vatican Museum Hall
Doc Oren: Tapestry Chamber at the Vatican
Doc Oren: Poor mummy
Doc Oren: At the Via del Corso
Doc Oren: Via del Corso ready for Christmas
Doc Oren: Piazza Venezia
Doc Oren: Christmas Tree at the Piazza Venezia
Doc Oren: Santa Maria in Aracoeli Interior
Doc Oren: IMGP9516
Doc Oren: Piazza Navona
Doc Oren: IMGP0154
Doc Oren: Cup of Chocolate
Doc Oren: Map reading moment at the Trevi
Doc Oren: Beautiful fontana at the Villa Burghese gardens
Doc Oren: Pantheon Detail
Doc Oren: Pantheon Detail
Doc Oren: Pantheon Detail
Doc Oren: At the Campo di Fiori Market
Doc Oren: IMGP0193
Doc Oren: Nativity Scene stand at Piazza Navona
Doc Oren: St Peter from across the Tiber
Doc Oren: Micro and Micro'er
Doc Oren: IMGP0014
Doc Oren: IMGP0008