Bokameh: Island Christmas!!
Bokameh: NightLight
Bokameh: ...
Bokameh: Redcurtains...
Bokameh: Cousinlight
Bokameh: Publove...
Bokameh: Can't wait to read this!!
Bokameh: Flight back from a JA
Bokameh: Breakfassssssttt
Bokameh: 1 step ahead...
Bokameh: Barcelona bar
Bokameh: Shaken not stirred...
Bokameh: Bon appetit!!
Bokameh: Europe has a unique mood, a magic about it...walking the streets of Paris, is an occasion in itself....joi de vivre
Bokameh: Escargot...
Bokameh: Blvd Montparnase
Bokameh: Versaille...
Bokameh: Versailles...
Bokameh: Brunch...
Bokameh: Brunch
Bokameh: Eurostar...
Bokameh: EF2
Bokameh: Eiffel Tower...
Bokameh: Foi gras...(aka le yuck)...
Bokameh: Louvre...(looks like Apple Store...I kid)
Bokameh: Espresso...
Bokameh: Building in front of Eurostation...