drgordis: pizza party time
drgordis: Pizza party
drgordis: Triad on top
drgordis: Shanimal kit
drgordis: bringing pizza to us
drgordis: MARS TAT
drgordis: Shannon on duties
drgordis: Shannon and Tomo talking
drgordis: Shannon playing
drgordis: Tomo playing
drgordis: Shannon, Stevie and the crew
drgordis: Shannon Leading
drgordis: Tomo Laughing
drgordis: Shannon all over the stage
drgordis: Shannon working
drgordis: Shannon being nice with on taiko drummers guys
drgordis: Shannon working
drgordis: Letos work time
drgordis: Jared and Shannon talking
drgordis: DSC05493
drgordis: DSC05498
drgordis: DSC05499
drgordis: DSC05501
drgordis: Jared getting ready
drgordis: Taiko drummers
drgordis: Jared singing
drgordis: the band rehearsing
drgordis: Jared Leto goofying
drgordis: shanimal on his kit
drgordis: Shannon Leto sayin bye