Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Happy Mother's Day !
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Hope this brightens your day.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: A flashlight as source of light.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Happy Valentine's Day!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Have a lovely day!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Think left and think right, and think low and think high. Oh, the Thinks you can think up if only you try. ~~~ Seuss-isms
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Two phases (faces) of the Sunflower... Face 1
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Happiness is to capture the beauty of a flower.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Spring is slowly inching its way...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Sorry... I'm super busy.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: I am only one; but still I am one. ~ Helen Keller
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Five stages of bloom...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: And again... a ranunculus
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: It's a New Dawn... It's a new day...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: You are EXACTLY what and where you are meant to be.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Little drops of water make a mighty ocean...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Don't confuse my personality and my attitude because my personality is ME and my attitude depends on YOU... ;-)