Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: "Every one is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing that it is stupid." ~~ Albert Einstein, (1879-1955)
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Have a lovely day!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Five stages of bloom...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: A thing of beauty...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: A flashlight as source of light.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Sorry... I'm super busy.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: And again... a ranunculus
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Just stand aside and watch yourself go by... Think of yourself as "he" instead of "I". ~~~ Strickland Gillilan
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Look on the bright side...