Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Gerbera in Black and White
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: A Thing of Beauty...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: I'll be off Flickr for a few days... wishing you all beautiful week ahead!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Love and Happiness
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Brown Sugar Tulips
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: • After all is said and done, more is said than done...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Wishing you all a lovely week ahead.
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Glow from within...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: It takes more than good memory to have good memories. ~~~ From a Fortune Cookie
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Brown Sugar Tulips
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: 50 Shades of Gray... Pardon the pun... ;-)
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Wishing you all a beautiful day!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: A most wonderful New Year to all!!!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: "Every one is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its life believing that it is stupid." ~~ Albert Einstein, (1879-1955)
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: MODERATION... Everything in moderation... including moderation...
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Grape Hyacinth or Muscari
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Put some yellow in your life…
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life — It goes on. ~~~ROBERT FROST
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Wishing you all a beautiful week ahead!
Oomphoto - Nancy G. Villarroya: Lavender, lavender, beautiful flower… Your sweet fragrance… Relaxes me to slumber… ~~~ oomphoto 2012