Patricia Lane Evans: Blue Willow China Teapot at Whittier's Birthplace
Patricia Lane Evans: Sunrays and the Sugar Maple
Patricia Lane Evans: CLYNK Recycling Center and Bags
Patricia Lane Evans: Half-Tide and No Wind
Patricia Lane Evans: Night Shadows
Patricia Lane Evans: Time to Rake My Leaf
Patricia Lane Evans: Morning Dew (4)
Patricia Lane Evans: Acorns Galore
Patricia Lane Evans: Pair of Bumpy Pumpkins
Patricia Lane Evans: New Strings
Patricia Lane Evans: Spooky Apple Jacks
Patricia Lane Evans: On The Road
Patricia Lane Evans: Dining Room
Patricia Lane Evans: Candlepin Bowling for Fun
Patricia Lane Evans: Candlepin Bowling for Fun - 2
Patricia Lane Evans: Scary Face Pancake
Patricia Lane Evans: Canteen owned by Captain White
Patricia Lane Evans: ANSH126 - Collage