guenter.huth: P3211082, Comrade of the fire, Your friend and helper!
guenter.huth: P3211062 , Rescue
guenter.huth: P9076913, Videoclip - Rescue , Fire department in action
guenter.huth: P9076934,Rescue , Fire department in action
guenter.huth: P8226465, Traffic accident, two cyclists ride around each other ...........
guenter.huth: P4044354,gas alarm
guenter.huth: 20120104_48 ,Rescue
guenter.huth: P8072806 - Rescue
guenter.huth: 20100830_12 , Rescue - Fire department in action
guenter.huth: PB090017, Rescue
guenter.huth: 20100830_10 - Action - Air Rescue
guenter.huth: PB120039 , CT Control - Rescue , Today, I was lying on the bed - CT of my head, everything so far ok Said the Doc
guenter.huth: PB120038 , CT Control - Rescue ,Today, I was lying on the bed - CT of my head, everything so far ok Said the Doc
guenter.huth: PB120045 , Rescue - Emergency room of the hospital
guenter.huth: PB120062, Part of the hospital
guenter.huth: PB010105 , Hospital
guenter.huth: P4044351 - Gas Alarm - Rescue
guenter.huth: Mobile Police station
guenter.huth: P2060044 , Fire
guenter.huth: OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA,The most important traffic signs in Germany, for Guest
guenter.huth: P6226601 , Rescue
guenter.huth: P9270114, Rescue
guenter.huth: PB078418 , Rescue helicopter - air rescue
guenter.huth: PB078424 , Rescue helicopter on the way to the hospital
guenter.huth: PB048397 ,24 hours monitoring blood pressure meter - my blood pressure is correct, says my doctor, the bad thing is, this reports every 15 minutes with a loud alarm even if you just slept. My tip for everyone else, put a pillow on the device to sleep thro
guenter.huth: PIC_3540 , Children's festival for refugees
guenter.huth: P3200054 , This screw with nut holds the masonry together
guenter.huth: P3319880 , Barbed wire as self-protection against bandits
guenter.huth: P7011156 , Rescue
guenter.huth: P7011155 , Police