Michael_1984: Temple of heaven
Michael_1984: Footsteps in shadows
Michael_1984: crispy goodness
Michael_1984: Delicious
Michael_1984: Attention
Michael_1984: The journey begins
Michael_1984: Temple of heaven
Michael_1984: parklife
Michael_1984: Tien mein
Michael_1984: Summer Palace
Michael_1984: It really is
Michael_1984: Nesting
Michael_1984: Bubbles
Michael_1984: On your marks...
Michael_1984: Tien mein
Michael_1984: Monument to the peoples heros
Michael_1984: Modern Beijing
Michael_1984: CCTV Tower
Michael_1984: Black, blue, purple and pink
Michael_1984: Sunrise at huang shan
Michael_1984: cotton ball clouds pinned to mountains
Michael_1984: Big rocks or small building?
Michael_1984: Monkey overlooking south sea
Michael_1984: If I do say so myself!
Michael_1984: I agree
Michael_1984: I see red
Michael_1984: Looking up
Michael_1984: Panda bin
Michael_1984: Stronger than she looks
Michael_1984: All lined up