Dan MacCarthy: Sean Cotter learns to fly
Dan MacCarthy: John O'Brien reaches the summit of Guajara
Dan MacCarthy: Roques de Anaga
Dan MacCarthy: IMG_1017
Dan MacCarthy: IMG_1016
Dan MacCarthy: IMG_1014
Dan MacCarthy: Ann descends to lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: House on Barranco de Roque Chamorgo
Dan MacCarthy: Ascent of Barranco de Roque Bermejo
Dan MacCarthy: Getting there
Dan MacCarthy: Patio on Barranco de Roque Bermejo
Dan MacCarthy: Sea at lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: One man and his madra
Dan MacCarthy: Church and lighthouse at Barranco de Roque Bermejo
Dan MacCarthy: Bishopstowners ready to ascend Barranco de Roque Bermejo
Dan MacCarthy: Below the lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: Tom and Tony descend from the lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: Hanging on
Dan MacCarthy: Prickly pear
Dan MacCarthy: Prickly pear cactus
Dan MacCarthy: Anaga lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: Bishopstowners invade Anaga lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: Volcanic deposits
Dan MacCarthy: Anaga lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: Katie shoots the Bishopstowners
Dan MacCarthy: Anaga lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: En route to Anaga lighthouse
Dan MacCarthy: Bishopstowners en route to Anaga lighthouse