christieandsteve: Christie on a rock
christieandsteve: Christie and Tris above Echo Lakes
christieandsteve: Tris, Margaret, Christie above Echo Lakes
christieandsteve: Tris and Margaret at Echo Lake
christieandsteve: Tris and Margaret on the trail
christieandsteve: Lower Echo Lake before sunrise
christieandsteve: Sunrise, Upper Echo Lake 3
christieandsteve: Sunrise, Upper Echo Lake 3
christieandsteve: Sunrise, Upper Echo Lake 2
christieandsteve: Tahoe from Echo Peak
christieandsteve: Christie on Echo Peak, sunrise
christieandsteve: Jacks Peak and Dicks Peak from Echo Peak
christieandsteve: Pyramid Pk and Mt Price from Echo Pk
christieandsteve: Echo Lakes from above
christieandsteve: Lower Echo Lake
christieandsteve: Christie swimming in Upper Echo Lake
christieandsteve: Christie crossing a bog on a branch
christieandsteve: Above Echo Lakes
christieandsteve: Christie on the mountain
christieandsteve: Echo Lakes
christieandsteve: Still lake
christieandsteve: Margaret and a Jeffrey pine
christieandsteve: Christie and Tris, alpine meadow
christieandsteve: Margaret and Christie on slope
christieandsteve: Resting on the trail
christieandsteve: Christie climbs to a rocky crest
christieandsteve: Christie descending
christieandsteve: Christie, somewhere on the trail