Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow
Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow
Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow (detail)
Slocumb: walls II (detail)
Slocumb: walls III (detail)
Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow
Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow, if these walls could talk
Slocumb: walls III
Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow (detail)
Slocumb: catch 22 (screenprint)
Slocumb: IMG_2201
Slocumb: Lindsey Morrow, deep calls to deep
Slocumb: deep calls to deep (left panel)
Slocumb: deep calls to deep (detail)
Slocumb: mini2
Slocumb: selfportraitdesire
Slocumb: st. anthony's fire
Slocumb: still
Slocumb: st. anthony (detail 3)
Slocumb: st. anthony (detail 2)
Slocumb: swarm
Slocumb: swarm (detail)
Slocumb: swarm II
Slocumb: the edge of the woods
Slocumb: by the woods (1 of 2)
Slocumb: stillifeatshow