lsm9: DSC04363
lsm9: DSC_0905
lsm9: DSC_0374
lsm9: Out of the blue!
lsm9: Today's golden Supermoon!
lsm9: moon-craters
lsm9: Lunar plants on mini Moon on Earth day.
lsm9: When you click the Moon because it was an orange moonrise not knowing that it was a Supermoon!! (Photo is not clear though.)
lsm9: Day 42 : Falling Moon? Nope; reflected... :) #365project
lsm9: Day 152 : Visible half, invisible half... #365project #hazymoon
lsm9: Day 161 : Moon in clouds... #365project
lsm9: Day 219 : Start of lunar eclipse...not so clear... #365project
lsm9: Day 276 : French Moon... #365project