@Cyberspice: Cthulhu
@Cyberspice: Beebthernet
@Cyberspice: PCBs from Olimex
@Cyberspice: Work in progress - Temperature sensing hat
@Cyberspice: Programmable earrings
@Cyberspice: Makerfaire
@Cyberspice: Musical Tesla Coils
@Cyberspice: Mwa Ha Ha
@Cyberspice: UK-101s
@Cyberspice: Mmmm Pie!
@Cyberspice: Makerbot CNC Machine
@Cyberspice: TuxDroid
@Cyberspice: Aaron of ::Oomlout::
@Cyberspice: LEGO NXT Bot
@Cyberspice: Hmm...
@Cyberspice: Robotic Hmm...
@Cyberspice: Making
@Cyberspice: The Parallax Game Stand
@Cyberspice: BBC Backroom
@Cyberspice: LEGO NXT Bots
@Cyberspice: Maths and Daleks
@Cyberspice: Electric Trees
@Cyberspice: Rack Mount Beer Fridge
@Cyberspice: Liquid Sculpture
@Cyberspice: Powertool Drag Racing
@Cyberspice: Self Stabilising Scateboard