38 Degrees: The petitions boxes
38 Degrees: Getting ready to hand the petitions in
38 Degrees: Outside the Department of health
38 Degrees: Outside the Department of health
38 Degrees: Outside the Department of health
38 Degrees: Outside the Department of health
38 Degrees: Outside the Department of health
38 Degrees: Outside the Department of health
38 Degrees: The press take photos of the petition being handed in
38 Degrees: The press take photos of the petition being handed in
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans
38 Degrees: 400,000 signature petition delivery shows huge public opposition to NHS plans