teenytawnyowl: Nibbles tearing newspaper up
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles making a runner into the back of the hutch!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles Chilling
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles again!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles chilling!
teenytawnyowl: Who goes there??????
teenytawnyowl: Who's there????!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles being curious!*
teenytawnyowl: Hello!!!
teenytawnyowl: Sniff sniff!
teenytawnyowl: The fantastic Nibbles!!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles!!!!!!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles drinking!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles - confused!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles - Just noticed me!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles
teenytawnyowl: Freeze!
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles
teenytawnyowl: Nibbles