blueintheburgh: Milo's 1 week Anniversary - Oscar Likes Having A Big Brother
blueintheburgh: I'm Taking My Ball And Going Home
blueintheburgh: Brotherly Love
blueintheburgh: Friends For Life
blueintheburgh: Best Friends
blueintheburgh: Puppy Love
blueintheburgh: Charging Into A New Week
blueintheburgh: My Knights In Shining Armour
blueintheburgh: Stinky Feet
blueintheburgh: Nosing You Out Of The Group
blueintheburgh: Let Go Of My Stick!
blueintheburgh: It Is A Cold and Snowy Furry Friday
blueintheburgh: Brothers In The Snow
blueintheburgh: Playtime
blueintheburgh: Popping In To Say Hello
blueintheburgh: Give Me My Stick
blueintheburgh: Double Trouble
blueintheburgh: Don't Worry Oscar
blueintheburgh: Love Bite
blueintheburgh: Lets Play In The Snow!
blueintheburgh: Hey Milo, With Two Days Left Until Christmas We Better Get Moving With Our Shopping and Other Holiday Preperations.
blueintheburgh: Soaking Up The Sun
blueintheburgh: Bed Warmers
blueintheburgh: Did You Hear Me Oscar? Blue Is Taking A Flickr Break!
blueintheburgh: Sparring Practice