cathy.theys: s001 front page logged in as super user La Leche League of Illinois | Find Local Breastfeeding Support_1267441071381
cathy.theys: s002 show menu to list users Picture 122
cathy.theys: s003 list of users - Users | La Leche League of Illinois_1267441345461
cathy.theys: s004 - Cathy Theys | La Leche League of Illinois_1267441433130
cathy.theys: s005 edit member info - Cathy Theys | La Leche League of Illinois_1267441479455
cathy.theys: s006 copy name Picture 122
cathy.theys: s007 click add next to a group at the bottom Picture 122
cathy.theys: s008 - List | La Leche League of Illinois_1267441695299
cathy.theys: s009 past name Picture 122
cathy.theys: s010 after add Picture 122
cathy.theys: s011 go back to view user Picture 122
cathy.theys: s012 notice lombard added under member of groups Cathy Theys | La Leche League of Illinois_1267442352575
cathy.theys: s013 edit again Picture 122
cathy.theys: s014 copy user name and click Add at bottom by OPRF - Cathy Theys | La Leche League of Illinois_1267442509742
cathy.theys: s015 paste user name again - List | La Leche League of Illinois_1267442570425
cathy.theys: s016 Picture 122
cathy.theys: s017 go back to user profile view Picture 122
cathy.theys: s018 shows both groups - Cathy Theys | La Leche League of Illinois_1267442835265
cathy.theys: s019 click on lombard - Picture 122
cathy.theys: s020 - Lombard | La Leche League of Illinois_1267443090904
cathy.theys: s021 click on 3 members link Picture 122
cathy.theys: s022 - Members of Lombard | La Leche League of Illinois_1267443152821
cathy.theys: s023 pick admin menu Create Content > Group - Picture 122
cathy.theys: s024 - Create Group | La Leche League of Illinois_1267443319019
cathy.theys: s025 - Brookfield | La Leche League of Illinois_1267443352589
cathy.theys: s026 notice on edit membership the list of possible groups shows brookfield with no extra configurations - Cathy Theys | La Leche League of Illinois_1267443399945
cathy.theys: s027 - misc clicking on the member since blank pops up a calendar for easy select Picture 122