Caroletn: female Rubythroat hummingbird.
Caroletn: pollen gathered, all ahead full4
Caroletn: Guest on my car hood one morning.
Caroletn: summer bee
Caroletn: gold finch
Caroletn: cardinal and nuthatch
Caroletn: Crows gossiping
Caroletn: the bees knees
Caroletn: Frequent visitor
Caroletn: me..or how I feel occasionally.
Caroletn: A newly banded Hummingbird
Caroletn: Sept hummingbird
Caroletn: DSC_0923 Ringbilled Gull
Caroletn: my adoptee being held up for me to take a picture
Caroletn: Fly Apr on azaleaDSC_1224
Caroletn: BumblebeeDSC_1353
Caroletn: RubyThroat Hummingbird2DSC_1464
Caroletn: Female Rubythroat Hummingbird my hse
Caroletn: Female Hummingbird
Caroletn: My very first ButterflyDSC_1530
Caroletn: A tatteredButterfly in June
Caroletn: I gots hunny on my tummyDSC_1581
Caroletn: considerDSC_1565
Caroletn: Butter and Speedwell flwrDSC_1683
Caroletn: bee DSC_1657
Caroletn: JulycwDSC_1658
Caroletn: Gray CatbirdDSC_1745
Caroletn: Bountiful gardencwDSC_1763
Caroletn: Bee enjoying Milkweed (I think)DSC_1590
Caroletn: freezing rain Dec 16DSC_2663