Apollo's Song:
Graffiti or Art?
Apollo's Song:
Rememberance - Day of the Dead
Apollo's Song:
The Adriatic Sea, circa 1908, by Herman Dudly Murphy
Apollo's Song:
Under the Horse-Chestnut Tree by Mary Stevenson Cassatt, cir. 1895
Apollo's Song:
Chinese Incense Burner
Apollo's Song:
Holiday Display - San Francisco
Apollo's Song:
Morning Light on the Altar Table
Apollo's Song:
Seasonal Candles
Apollo's Song:
Kodomatsu - New Year Ornament
Apollo's Song:
Atlantic & Pacific 1914_deLeftwich Dodge (8)
Apollo's Song:
Art Exhibit - San Francisco Civic Center
Apollo's Song:
San Francisco City Hall
Apollo's Song:
San Francisco Civic Center
Apollo's Song:
Celestial Lion
Apollo's Song:
The Floating World
Apollo's Song:
The Floating World - Detail from a Kimono
Apollo's Song:
On The Way Out
Apollo's Song:
Atlantic & Pacific 1914_deLeftwich Dodge (5)
Apollo's Song:
Atlantic & Pacific 1914_deLeftwich Dodge (7)
Apollo's Song:
Lingham - Brama, Vishnu, Shiva
Apollo's Song:
Jesus Looking Over the Shoulder of a Buddha
Apollo's Song:
Model of St. Andre - Bordeaux
Apollo's Song:
St. Eloi, Bordeaux
Apollo's Song:
St. Eloi, Bordeaux
Apollo's Song:
Fountaine des Trois Graces
Apollo's Song:
Fountaine des Trois Graces
Apollo's Song:
Fountaine des Trois Graces
Apollo's Song:
Fountaine des Trois Graces
Apollo's Song:
Monument aux Girondins - Bordeaux
Apollo's Song:
Male Nude by Jean-Joseph Taillasson