Gaz Kaz: turtle in a tight place
Gaz Kaz: fish cloud
Gaz Kaz: midnight schnapper
Gaz Kaz: dumaluan
Gaz Kaz: Bibong hunting
Gaz Kaz: whiting school?
Gaz Kaz: black ribbon eel
Gaz Kaz: no idea fish
Gaz Kaz: school 2
Gaz Kaz: long nosed fish
Gaz Kaz: nemo famil + friends
Gaz Kaz: yummy 2
Gaz Kaz: Ghost pipefish
Gaz Kaz: garden eel
Gaz Kaz: puppy dog puffer
Gaz Kaz: wrasse sound asleep
Gaz Kaz: white puffer
Gaz Kaz: turtle+batfish
Gaz Kaz: turtle 3
Gaz Kaz: turtle 1
Gaz Kaz: swimming eel
Gaz Kaz: sweet lips
Gaz Kaz: small yellow pipe fish
Gaz Kaz: shrimps and sea urchins
Gaz Kaz: shell on the move
Gaz Kaz: seahorse 1
Gaz Kaz: scorpion 2
Gaz Kaz: schooling trevaly
Gaz Kaz: nemos plus crab
Gaz Kaz: nemo