hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (1)_in Akihabara in Tokyo
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (2)_in Akihabara in Tokyo
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (3)_in Yokohama
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (4)_in Yokohama
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (5)_in Yokohama
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (10)_big Kannon(the Goddess of Mercy) in Sendai
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (7)_big Kannon(the Goddess of Mercy) in Sendai
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (6)_big Kannon(the Goddess of Mercy) in Sendai
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (11) さざえ堂(Temple in Aizu like top shell.)
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (12)水島コンビナートの夕景 Petrochemical complex in Mizushima.
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (13)京浜工業地帯 川崎の朝焼け Petrochemical complex in Kawasaki.
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (14)四日市コンビナートの夜景 Petrochemical complex in Yokkaichi.
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (15)蘇我の廃高炉(JFE第五高炉) Blast furnace under dismantlement in Chiba.
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (16)川崎の高炉(Blast furnace in Kawasaki.)
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (18)水島の里山とコンビナート(Sunset of Mizushima industrial complex.)
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (19)製紙工場の夕暮れ (Sunset of paper mill factory.)
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (17)水島の高炉 (Blast furnace in Mizushima.)
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (20)雲上の楽園跡
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (21)神戸の実寸大鉄人28号
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (22)神戸の実寸大鉄人28号
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (23)神戸の実寸大鉄人28号
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (24)お台場の実寸大ガンダム
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (25)お台場の実寸大ガンダム
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (26)お台場の実寸大ガンダム
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (27)お台場の実寸大ガンダム
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (28)お台場の実寸大ガンダム
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (40)聖ザビエル天主堂
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (41)聖ザビエル天主堂
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (42)竹田城跡_Takeda ruins of a castle
hiro_sj30: Japanese HDR scene (43)雲上の松尾鉱山廃アパート群