robinb44: Crocus chrysanthus at Pacific Biological Station
robinb44: WILD MORNING GLORY - Calystegia sepium
robinb44: White Spring Wildflowers - Trientalis europaea arctica [Primulaceae] NORTHERN STARFLOWER
robinb44: White Spring Wildflowers - Rubus ursinus [Rosaceae] - TRAILING BLACKBERRY or PACIFIC BLACKBERRY
robinb44: White Spring Wildflowers - Bellis perennis [Asteraceae] ENGLISH DAISY
robinb44: White Spring Wildflowers - Cerastium arvense [Caryophyllaceae] FIELD CHICKWEED aka STARRY GRASSWORT
robinb44: NIGHT-FLOWERING CATCHFLY - Silene noctiflora [Caryophyllaceae]
robinb44: NIGHT-FLOWERING CATCHFLY - Silene noctiflora [Caryophyllaceae]
robinb44: OREGON FAWN LILY - Erythronium oregonum
robinb44: OREGON FAWN LILY - Erythronium oregonum
robinb44: OREGON FAWN LILY - Erythronium oregonum
robinb44: OREGON FAWN LILY - Erythronium oregonum
robinb44: OREGON FAWN LILY - Erythronium oregonum
robinb44: OREGON FAWN LILY - Erythronium oregonum
robinb44: Oxeye Daisies [Leucanthemum vulgare]
robinb44: Oceanspray or Creambush
robinb44: Achlys tripphylla - Vanilla-leaf Plant
robinb44: Achlys tripphylla - Vanilla-leaf Plant
robinb44: Trillium ovatum [LILilacae] Western trillium
robinb44: Yucca Plant in Flower
robinb44: The Western or Pacific Dogwood
robinb44: Swy-a-Lana Lagoon Daisies
robinb44: Royal Blue Crocuses, Prophets of Spring
robinb44: Like Spring Snow
robinb44: Spring is in the air!
robinb44: Sunlight on the Crocuses
robinb44: Bladder Campion [Silene vulgaris]