Ricard Livanos:
Artists in the St George's Market of Belfast
Ricard Livanos:
In the St George's Market of Belfast
Ricard Livanos:
With Frank, the king of the "Paella" (St George's Market, Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Frank, the king of the "Paella" (St George's Market, Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Iron Statue in Queen's University of Belfast
Ricard Livanos:
Iron Statue in Queen's University of Belfast
Ricard Livanos:
Edith (by Jenny)
Ricard Livanos:
General view of the painted walls (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Wall against the racism (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Wall Support to the self determination for the Basque Country (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Wall with the Guernica, in support to the community of artists (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Wall with Brendan Hughes, Former IRA commander (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Wall with Frederick Douglass, social reformer (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Civilians murdered by loyalist and british forces (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
The "Peace walls": to prevent confrontations between catholics & protestants
Ricard Livanos:
The red hand, Ulster Banner (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Cuchulainn, personage of Irish epic poem (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Unionist wall with loyalist organisations (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Unionist Homes (Belfast)
Ricard Livanos:
Coast of Antrim (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
Luís resting in the coast of Antrim (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
Ship in Ballycastle port (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
Ballycastle (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
Ship in the Antrim Coast (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
Edith in Ballycastle
Ricard Livanos:
The discoverers
Ricard Livanos:
Mirrow effect (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
Rock wall (Northern Ireland)
Ricard Livanos:
The eye of the photographer
Ricard Livanos:
The eye of the photographer