nomadbirder: Wallcreeper (46)
nomadbirder: Wallcreeper (45)
nomadbirder: Wallcreeper (66)
nomadbirder: Black Redstart (11)
nomadbirder: Griffon Vulture (20)
nomadbirder: Long-legged buzzard kazbegi (2)
nomadbirder: Montagu's Harrier (11)
nomadbirder: Hobby and Sparrowhawk (11)
nomadbirder: Steppe Eagle with Steppe Buzzard and Montagu's Harrier
nomadbirder: Pallid Harrier (31)
nomadbirder: Steppe Eagle and Black Kite (11)
nomadbirder: Sparrowhawk (10)
nomadbirder: Sparrowhawk (26)
nomadbirder: Great Rosefinch (32)
nomadbirder: Long-tailed Tit (4)
nomadbirder: Long-tailed Tit (5)
nomadbirder: Long-tailed Tit (53)
nomadbirder: Long-tailed Tit (59)
nomadbirder: Long-tailed Tit (96)
nomadbirder: Treecreeper (1)
nomadbirder: Grey-headed Wagtail (24)
nomadbirder: Watching snowcocks at Kuro (2)
nomadbirder: Black Vulture (46)
nomadbirder: Caucasian Snowcocks (8)
nomadbirder: Caucasian Snowcocks (10)
nomadbirder: Caucasian Snowcocks (4)
nomadbirder: Golden Jackel in snow (2)
nomadbirder: Black Vulture (8)
nomadbirder: Great Rosefinches (2)
nomadbirder: Great Rosefinches (5)