c_heg: PBP Trackline
c_heg: Waiting for the start
c_heg: Will Goss
c_heg: Abandon hope all ye who enter here
c_heg: Waiting
c_heg: Les Blues
c_heg: Still waiting
c_heg: In the pen
c_heg: Jeff Loomis
c_heg: Starting
c_heg: Before the dispersion
c_heg: Sunset at Jouars-Pontchartrain
c_heg: First day sunset
c_heg: Ghost horse
c_heg: The chain of riders - 200km long
c_heg: Rando cafe
c_heg: Villaines at dawn
c_heg: Villaines la Juhel outbound
c_heg: Cloudy morning, day 2
c_heg: Charchigne
c_heg: Mayenne
c_heg: Starting to clear, day 2
c_heg: Le Pont Landry
c_heg: Ambrieres les Vallees
c_heg: Levare
c_heg: Generosite de Levare
c_heg: Fougeres castle
c_heg: A little rain
c_heg: Velo car in Becherel
c_heg: Lesli Larson