epicfailer: 90.365; Cottage Day 6.
epicfailer: 119.365; for Natalie.
epicfailer: 39.365; as if you weren't tired of my face enough already.
epicfailer: 137.365
epicfailer: 46.365
epicfailer: 122.365
epicfailer: 30.365; this is embarassing.
epicfailer: 139.365; wait, it's only Wednesday?!
epicfailer: 34.365; B is for Banana Phone.
epicfailer: 13.365
epicfailer: 54.365; V is for Vinyl.
epicfailer: 62.365; valuable Life Tips inside.
epicfailer: 67.365; direction.
epicfailer: 10.365; super sucky, super sorry.
epicfailer: 86.365; Cottage Day 2.
epicfailer: 88.365; Cottage Day 4.
epicfailer: 133.365; it didn't look this yellow before, I swear.
epicfailer: 98.365; song 6/30.
epicfailer: 112.365; ignore this.
epicfailer: 142.365; only for the project.
epicfailer: 100.365; song 8/30.
epicfailer: 69.365; this sucks ass. :)
epicfailer: 11.365; not pleased.
epicfailer: 113.365; this would be one of those times when I pretend to shoot myself in the face.
epicfailer: 106.365
epicfailer: 136.365
epicfailer: 72.365
epicfailer: 66.365; because sometimes I like posting pictures that make you go 'WTF is that?' from the thumbnail.
epicfailer: 110.365; fail, colour & 100 days until Christmas!
epicfailer: 83.365; 127 Days to Christmas.