epicfailer: 19.365
epicfailer: 57.365; Y is for Years Ago / Years from Now.
epicfailer: 59.365; Here Comes the Sun.
epicfailer: 79.365; there is no power as potent as possibility.
epicfailer: G is for Giraffes and a Guinea Pig.
epicfailer: please tell me what is wrong with this.
epicfailer: rough around the edges.
epicfailer: 81.365; there is no statement like your life.
epicfailer: 93.365; song 1/30.
epicfailer: 97.365; song 5/30.
epicfailer: 103.365
epicfailer: 78.365; there is no wisdom greater than that found inside you.
epicfailer: 104.365; caught up with posting!
epicfailer: 111.365
epicfailer: 114.365
epicfailer: 124.365; this is flattering. :)
epicfailer: Mr. Bicks
epicfailer: 134.365; song 10/30.
epicfailer: 148.365