seeyoulaser: first shot of the movie
seeyoulaser: the trapper keeper eyes of satan
seeyoulaser: she was clearly the star of this miscarriage dream
seeyoulaser: symbolism?
seeyoulaser: cheese dreams
seeyoulaser: turn to cheese nightmares!
seeyoulaser: when psychiatry fails, try black magic
seeyoulaser: nice amulet
seeyoulaser: black magic = puppy blood wine, a room full of gingers, Italian post-prog
seeyoulaser: the occult is nature's valium
seeyoulaser: he was way into fosse hands
seeyoulaser: post-its, richard. post-its.
seeyoulaser: perks of a metro card
seeyoulaser: look out for his tiny knife
seeyoulaser: witch sister
seeyoulaser: beaded justice