Mary Keim: Kiosk
Mary Keim: You Are Here Map at Alligator Alley and Otter Blvd.
Mary Keim: Kiosk
Mary Keim: Clouds
Mary Keim: Rainbow over Wetlands
Mary Keim: Foggy Morning
Mary Keim: Foggy Morning
Mary Keim: Prescibed Fire
Mary Keim: Prescibed Fire
Mary Keim: Prescibed Fire
Mary Keim: Prescribed Fire
Mary Keim: Prescribed Fire
Mary Keim: Prescribed Fire of Cattail Marsh
Mary Keim: Prescribed Fire of Cattail Marsh
Mary Keim: Prescribed Fire
Mary Keim: Prescibed Fire Ash
Mary Keim: Rainbows
Mary Keim: Southern Cone Rust (Cronartium strobilinum) on Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii)
Mary Keim: Southern Cone Rust (Cronartium strobilinum)
Mary Keim: Shelf Fungus (Polyporales) on dead oak limb
Mary Keim: Polypore (Perenniporia sp.)
Mary Keim: Fan-shaped Jelly Fungus (Dacryopinax spathularia)
Mary Keim: Jelly Fungus (Auriculariales)
Mary Keim: Jelly Antlers (Calocera sp.)
Mary Keim: Fungus (Xylaria sp., Ascomycota)
Mary Keim: Column Stinkhorn (Clathrus columnatus)
Mary Keim: Parasol Mushroom (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
Mary Keim: Parasol Mushroom (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
Mary Keim: Green-spored Parasol (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
Mary Keim: Bristly Polypore (Hexagonia hydnoides)