the city of Tianjin: 环境保护 Environment Protection
the city of Tianjin: 国家环境保护模范城市 National Model City in Environment Protection
the city of Tianjin: 双港垃圾焚烧发电厂 Shuanggang Garbage Incineration Power Plant
the city of Tianjin: 大港新泉海水淡化工程 Dagang Xinquan Seawater Desalination Project
the city of Tianjin: 天津经济技术开发区污水处理厂 TEDA Sewage Plant
the city of Tianjin: 团泊湖 Tuanbo Lake
the city of Tianjin: 七里海自然生态保护区 Qilihai Natural Ecology Protected Area