the city of Tianjin: 滨海新区 Binhai New Area
the city of Tianjin: 天津经济技术开发区 Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA)
the city of Tianjin: 天津港保税区 Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone(TPFTZ)
the city of Tianjin: 空客A320系列飞机总装线 Airbus A320 Final Assembly Line (FAL)
the city of Tianjin: 百万吨乙烯炼化一体化项目 Million-ton Ethylene Refining-Chemical Integration Project
the city of Tianjin: 新一代运载火箭产业化基地 Industrialization Base of A New Generation of Carrier Rockets
the city of Tianjin: 大港油田 Dagang Oil Field
the city of Tianjin: 中新天津生态城 Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city
the city of Tianjin: 响螺湾商务区 Xiangluowan Business Area
the city of Tianjin: 于家堡金融区 Yujiapu Financial Area
the city of Tianjin: 滨海国际会展中心 Binhai International Convention and Exhibition Center
the city of Tianjin: 滨海新区规划建设展馆 Planning and Construction Exhibition Hall of Binhai New Area
the city of Tianjin: 泰达足球场 TEDA Stadium
the city of Tianjin: 海河外滩公园 Haihe Bund Park
the city of Tianjin: 滨海速度 Binhai Speed
the city of Tianjin: 摩托罗拉天津生产基地 Motorola Tianjin Production Base
the city of Tianjin: 三星电子天津生产基地 Samsung Electronics Tianjin Production Base