the city of Tianjin:
盘山 Panshan Mountain
the city of Tianjin:
独乐寺 Dule Temple
the city of Tianjin:
黄崖关长城 Huangyaguan Great Wall
the city of Tianjin:
古文化街旅游商贸区 Commercial and Trade Tourist Zone of the Ancient Culture Street
the city of Tianjin:
五大道风情区 Wudadao Custom Area
the city of Tianjin:
意式风情区 Italian Custom Area
the city of Tianjin:
鼓楼商业旅游步行街 Gulou Commercial & Sightseeing Pedestrian Street
the city of Tianjin:
永乐桥摩天轮 Ferris Wheel at Yongle Bridge
the city of Tianjin:
瓷房子 Porcelain House
the city of Tianjin:
周恩来邓颖超纪念馆 The Memorial to Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao
the city of Tianjin:
静园 Garden of Serenity
the city of Tianjin:
石家大院 The Shi's Grand Mansion
the city of Tianjin:
天津热带植物观光园 Tianjin Tropical Arboretum
the city of Tianjin:
广东会馆 Guangdong Guild Hall
the city of Tianjin:
滨海航母主题公园 Binhai Aircraft Carrier Theme Park
the city of Tianjin:
东丽湖温泉度假旅游区 Donglihu Hot Spring Resort
the city of Tianjin:
洋货市场 Yanghuo Market
the city of Tianjin:
望海楼天主教堂 Wanghailou Catholic Church
the city of Tianjin:
水上公园 Water Park
the city of Tianjin:
和平路金街 Hepinglu Golden Street