Kunigunde: Black red floral dress
Kunigunde: Black red floral dress full figure
Kunigunde: Purple and pearls
Kunigunde: Shoes and bag match!
Kunigunde: Ya' gotta luv the boots! Even without the pearls.
Kunigunde: Feeling great
Kunigunde: Purple Sweater
Kunigunde: Purple Sweater
Kunigunde: That's me with a cool breeze blowing
Kunigunde: maid 020
Kunigunde: maid 012
Kunigunde: maid 027
Kunigunde: Original uniform pictures 1
Kunigunde: Day uniform 4
Kunigunde: Very Pretty Dress 4 2006
Kunigunde: Purple Power
Kunigunde: Me on the Porch after Pride Parade
Kunigunde: P1010413
Kunigunde: Essence of Calm
Kunigunde: Surrounded by flowers
Kunigunde: OK, actually she was very sweet
Kunigunde: With friend on bus
Kunigunde: 100_2106
Kunigunde: Me before leaving for pride parade