muddypat82: Smart Black Trousers And Gorgeous Socks.
muddypat82: Love The Pink Heels And Toes On These Socks!
muddypat82: My Favourite Pumps To Complete The Look.
muddypat82: On The Way To Work Through The Woods.
muddypat82: Love That Flash Of Pink From An Otherwise Black Sock!
muddypat82: It Looked Dry And Firm But It's Ankle Deep Mud!
muddypat82: Not Looking So Smart Now! Lots Of Fun Though!
muddypat82: Muddy Shoe And Sock.
muddypat82: Ankle Deep Mud On The Way To Work!
muddypat82: More Deep Mud
muddypat82: Shoes Starting To Get Stuck Now.
muddypat82: Probably Need To Get Changed Before Going To Work.
muddypat82: Really Wet Sinking Mud.
muddypat82: Favourite Shoes And Socks Looking A Little Worse For Wear.
muddypat82: Socks Still Showing A Little Pink!
muddypat82: Still Pink Beyond The Mud!
muddypat82: Squelchy Shoe.
muddypat82: Certainly Can't Go To Work Like This!
muddypat82: Fell Over In The Mud!
muddypat82: Shoes Sucked Off In A Really Sticky Patch Of Mud.
muddypat82: Need To Get Shoes Back!
muddypat82: Really Muddy Socks Now!
muddypat82: Basically Took A Mud Bath On The Way To Work!
muddypat82: Managed To Dig The Shoes Out Of The Mud!
muddypat82: Muddy!
muddypat82: No Trace Of Pink Left On The Socks!